
Heena Das Beauty is ready to help you feel confident in your beauty routine!

1 on 1 - Have you ever gotten your makeup done and wished you could replicate that look? Or perhaps, you’ve never been confident about applying makeup and don’t even know where to begin! This lesson will help you learn the basics as well as some new tips and tricks to take your makeup look to the next level!

Personal Shopper – Do you get overwhelmed every time you go makeup shopping? This personal shopping session will be tailored to your lifestyle and budget. Don't let pushy salespeople fool you into buying products that you don't need. Let’s go shopping!

Makeup Rescue – Do you keep buying makeup but don’t know how to use it? Are you overwhelmed with all that you have? I will help clean out & go over the products that you own. Followed by a basic makeup lesson showing you the correct way to apply makeup using your own products